
  • Facial Masks

    Do you want to take care of your skin? Facial masks are a great way to do that. They're also really fun! You can find any

    mask for any need, from deep-cleansing and hydrating masks to brightening and calming ones. And they're not just about

    looking good – they help keep your skin healthy.‍

    Masks make it easy for you to take care of yourself without spending hours in the bathroom daily. Plus, there's no better

    feeling than taking time out of your busy day for some self-care.


  • Hydra Facial

    For all skin types. This technique uses a more deeper exfoliant. It helps skin cell turnover and to rejuvenate your skin. It will leave your skin looking softer and brighter. HydraFacial is the perfect treatment for people who are looking to reverse some of the signs of aging. It's also

    great for those with acne, dryness, and wrinkles. The noninvasive procedure is similar to a regular facial you might

    get from a spa but is said to provide more dramatic results. This is achieved by a mechanized wand on your skin to

    deeply clean and exfoliate while delivering hydrating serums that help reduce inflammation and redness.

    With just one visit, you will experience smoother, softer skin and reduced redness and inflammation thanks to this

    revolutionary new technology! And don't worry about downtime - there's no recovery time after HydraFacial, so

    you'll be able to return to the world feeling confident again! Plus, it only takes around an hour so it will take up a

    little of your day!

    Signature $199 / Deluxe $275 / Platinum $350

  • The Perfect Derma Peel

    Chemical peels are a fantastic option for people who want to remove dead skin cells and address

    fine lines and hyperpigmentation. The medical-grade chemical process allows you the safety of

    knowing it won't harm your sensitive areas while still providing excellent results!

    Start from $119

  • Pumpkin peels

    Chemical peels are an excellent way to remove dead skin cells and address fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and unwanted freckles.

    They are safe and effective treatments that can be performed in the comfort of our office.

    We offer different strength levels of chemical peels to accomplish other goals. Most chemical peels are outpatient,

    allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately after treatment.


  • Microneedling

    Micro-Needling is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or skin needling. This is a minimally invasive cosmetic

    treatment where hundreds of micro-channels are created in the outer layers of the skin with multiple tiny needles. This

    stimulates the body’s need to heal itself, which forces new collagen to grow, reducing the appearance of fine lines, rough

    textures, acne scars and gives you softer, firmer skin.


  • Micro Channeling

    How does a Microchanneling Treatment stimulate cellular activity? A single treatment

    creates hundreds of thousands of microchannels. In response to each micro-injury, an

    inflammatory healing process begins which initiates the formation of new collagen. Over

    time, the repeated healing process improves the surface texture and the overall

    appearance of the skin

    Pro $320 (1 Hour) / MD $350 (1 hour) / Hair $450 (1 Hour)

  • Rejuran


  • Bright Facial Spa

    The Classic facial is designed to any skin type such as oily, sensitive, dry, combination and normal assess for skin conditions such as acne, blackheads, whiteheads aging, sun damage, dehydration. Exfoliation includes Skin scrubber massager machine break down dirt and oil from the pores. Deeply removes the skin’s impurities, removes debris, imperfection, blemishes, wrinkles and any dirt and dead skin. Manual extraction with steam. Face mask design for the skin type to help hydrate your skin with the help of LED photo light its safely achieve the desired results with gentle precision and fast results.

  • Body Sculpting (Cavitation/Laser Lipo/Skin Tightening)
